The Anomalies between all other theistic Religions and The Teachings of Buddha

  • Jeet Baudh University of Delhi


Perusal through the history of India since the beginning of Buddhism i.e. more than two thousand five hundred years ago; divulges the significance of the teachings of Tathāgata Buddha. The canonical literature of Buddhism known as ‘Tipiṭaka’ translated into more than thirty languages and it has influenced most of the nations and cultures of the world. These teachings are revelations for the welfare of all human beings irrespective of their nation, language, caste, creed and colour; place of living and their socioeconomic status. These are relevant for all sentient beings. “The King Charles III of England” and also “the poorest of the poor” of the world all are scanned under these principles of Buddha on equal footing.

The complete teachings of Tathāgata Buddha are protected and preserved in its pristine pure form since the first congregation held shortly after the Mahāprinibbāna of the Enlightened Buddha in Rajgriha under the patronage of King Ajātsattū of Magadha and that was presided over by Agrsrāvak Mahākassyapa in the leadership of Thera Ānanda and Thera Upāli; in three baskets known as Tipiṭaka- Vinaya Piṭaka, Sutta Piṭaka and Abhidhamma Piṭaka. Thereafter Thera Ānanda and Thera Upāli both are known as the first Mahādhammadhar Ānanda and the first Vinaya Parmukha Upāli. Continuing interest in Buddhism throughout the whole world has generated countless publications of the Tipiṭaka globally; its importance to edification at all levels is demonstrated by the ongoing efforts on the part of several thousand educators and intelligentsia to implement its principles in their field of expertise. The Tipiṭaka are quite voluminous consisting of about eighty-four thousand suttas and make them elude descriptions. The Tipiṭakas are subtle, profound and extensive teachings of Buddha. Buddhism reveals scholarly interest in the area of history, philosophy, psychology and religion.
